Follow the life of a family and their big fluffy dog. When it is time to say goodbye, the journey continues…
I Love You is a helpful tool for parents to address their children's concerns about the loss of a pet, and opens up space to feel that loss together as a family.
This file is an EPUB format that is readable on: iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Mac, PC, Android, NOOK, and Sony Reader devices. If you have a Kindle, please place your order via Amazon.
Also available in premium hardcover and will soon be available in Spanish.
Follow the life of a family and their big fluffy dog. When it is time to say goodbye, the journey continues…
I Love You is a helpful tool for parents to address their children's concerns about the loss of a pet, and opens up space to feel that loss together as a family.
This file is an EPUB format that is readable on: iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Mac, PC, Android, NOOK, and Sony Reader devices. If you have a Kindle, please place your order via Amazon.
Also available in premium hardcover and will soon be available in Spanish.
Follow the life of a family and their big fluffy dog. When it is time to say goodbye, the journey continues…
I Love You is a helpful tool for parents to address their children's concerns about the loss of a pet, and opens up space to feel that loss together as a family.
This file is an EPUB format that is readable on: iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Mac, PC, Android, NOOK, and Sony Reader devices. If you have a Kindle, please place your order via Amazon.
Also available in premium hardcover and will soon be available in Spanish.